Saturday, August 31, 2019

Nonviolence: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Tich Nhat Hanh

Upon engaging the text of Martin Luther King, Jr. ‘s anti-war speech â€Å"Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence,† one recognizes an undeniable continuity between King's thinking and that of his contemporary Thich Nhat Hanh. It is important to note, however, that King's reflections in this discourse are not entirely beholden to his Buddhist counterpart. The overarching concepts of â€Å"interbeing† and interrelation which drive the speech were evident in King's work and philosophy well before his correspondence with Nhat Hahn. The similarities regarding each man's approach to these notions should be expected given their respective spiritual vocations. Therefore, although King's reflections in this address – which encompass the broader considerations of nonviolence and exhibit a direct rebuke of the war effort – mirror almost identically those made in writings by Nhat Hanh, it is unclear how directly the latter may have influenced the former. Regardless, this speech does reflect elements of Nhat Hanh's nonviolent vision and does so specifically through considering the concept of mutuality in relation to addressing the roots of war, its effects and how to end it. In his address, King makes clear that humanity's failures and the origins of violence stem from the propagation of illusions and artificial perceptions. In particular, King asserts that â€Å"the war in Vietnam is but a symptom of a far deeper malady within the American spirit†¦ ,† whereby Americans suffer from false â€Å"comfort, complacency [and] a morbid fear of communism†¦ † (King). This assertion is clearly reflective of Nhat Hanh's observation that â€Å"thinking is at the base of everything [and that]†¦. ur thoughts can be misleading and create confusion, despair, anger or hatred,† and that â€Å"a civilization in which we kill and exploit others for our own aggrandizement is sick† (Nhat Hanh 68; 120). The societal illness both men perceive is rooted in a proliferation of fear and ignorance, or as King so forcefully asserts, â€Å"legions of half-truths, prejudices, and false facts† (King 14). The influence of these fallacies manifests itself most directly through manufactured notions about our enemies. By reducing our enemies to concepts that we can thoughtlessly abhor, we take no serious deliberation concerning our inherent reciprocity to them, and thus fail to realize the true extent our similarities. Though King had expressed similar sentiments previous to this speech, such as in his sermon â€Å"Loving your Enemies,† one cannot ignore the presence of a comparable position advocated by Nhat Hanh in his 1965 letter to King entitled â€Å"In Search of the Enemy of Man. † In that letter, Nhat Hanh professes that â€Å"[our] enemies are not man†¦ hey are intolerance, fanaticism, dictatorship, cupidity, hatred and [the]discrimination which lie in the heart of man† (Nhat Hanh). Nevertheless, it is clear that King recognizes this point, going so far as to declare: â€Å"We can no longer afford to worship the god of hate or bow before the altar of retaliation†¦ we must not engage in negative anti-communism [but]†¦ with positive action seek to remove those conditions of poverty, insecurity and injustice which are the fertile soil in which the seed of communism [as social strife] grows and develops† (King). As a result of this revelation, part of King's speech calls for peace through an attempt to understand the enemy and the effects war has had on the Vietnamese people. This call for mindfulness clearly resonates with Nhat Hanh's belief that â€Å"[a]ny nonviolent action requires a thorough understanding of the situation and the psychology of the people,† enemy and self alike (Nhat Hanh 40). King exhibits this understanding when stating that the Vietnamese â€Å"must see Americans as strange liberators† and begins a chronological account of the effects an American presence has had in Vietnam since 1945 (King). Speaking of the National Liberation Front, or what he deems in an ironic manner as â€Å"that strangely anonymous group we call VC or Communists†¦ ,† King asks â€Å"[w]hat must they think of us in America when they realize that we permitted the repression and cruelty of Diem which helped to bring them into being as a resistance group [in the first place]†¦ † (King). In essence, King is imploring Americans to put their view of â€Å"the enemy† into context, noting that U. S. actions have done little but imbed a â€Å"deep but understandable mistrust† in its enemies (King). Again, almost all of these deliberations are present in Nhat Hanh's work. Nhat Hanh's statement that â€Å"[e]very escalation of the war, every new contingent of U. S. troops†¦ wins new recruits to the Vietcong† reflects each man's belief that the U. S. is undermining is own efforts in Vietnam because it has implanted soldiers there that â€Å"[know] and [care] little about [Vietnamese] customs and practices and [who are] involved in destroying Vietnamese people and property† (Nhat Hanh 50-51). Moreover, King's optimistic position that the United States has the capability to transcend its obtuseness, reorganize its priorities and lead the cause for a peaceful end to war is a sentiment most certainly shared by Nhat Hanh. To this end, each man's suggestions for ending the war are strikingly similar. In Love in Action Nhat Hanh offers five components that he deems necessary toward a U. S. solution to the war: 1) A cessation of bombing in the north and south. 2) A limitation of all military operations by the U. S and South Vietnamese. 3) A clear demonstration of U. S. intent to withdraw from the country. 4) A declaration of American neutrality and support of a popular government. 5) Extensive aid in the reconstruction effort. (Nhat Hanh 55). Likewise, King calls for an end to all bombing, unilateral ceasefire, curtailing military buildup, an acceptance of the NLF's role in a future Vietnamese government, and a definitive U. S. withdrawal date. The proposals in King's address are almost identical as both men call for material support as well as ideological understanding by America toward its enemies. In addition to these provisions, King demands that the American public take into account the effects war has had on our own soldiers and that they take active steps toward ending it. King calls for a movement away from a † ‘thing oriented' society to a ‘person-oriented' society† where the â€Å"business of burning human beings with napalm, of filling our nation's homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into veins of people, of sending men home†¦ physically and psychologically deranged†¦ † is deemed unacceptable and impermissible (King). This too echoes portions of Nhat Hanh's nonviolent vision, such as evidenced by his observation during the first Gulf War that â€Å"[s]oldiers live in hell day and night, even before they go into the battlefield, and even after they return home† (Nhat Hanh 75). Hoping that the American public can grasp these realities, King demands that â€Å"we must all protest† in order to awaken others to the fact that â€Å"the American course in Vietnam is an dishonorable and unjust one† (King). Again, although King's attitudes here are not surprising given his own previous writings in nonviolence, when referencing the afore mentioned letter from Nhat Hanh to King, one cannot help but wonder whether the former's description of a fellow monk's self-immolation aimed at â€Å"[calling] the attention of the world [to]†¦. he suffering caused by this unnecessary war† in turn caused King to declare – in reference to anti-war protest – that â€Å"these are the times for real choices and not false ones† (Nhat Hanh; King). On the whole, though it is clear that King's â€Å"Riverside Address† reflects both the large and small aspects of Thich Nhat Hanh's nonviolent vision, whether these parallels were intentio nal or not is unclear. By their very nature, philosophies of nonviolence concern themselves with discipline and awareness of the self, as well as with understanding and empathy for the other. As a result, it is not surprising that King and Nhat Hahn, two practitioners of such philosophies, would both express their concerns about Vietnam around the same theme of humanity's interrelated nature. Therefore, it is not so much important whether one's work or ideas may have influenced the other's as it is that both recognize a common bond between human beings and the supreme need to eliminate the conditions which threaten that inherent relationship.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Impact of Grey Marketing on Indian Economy Essay

â€Å"An unofficial market in which goods are bought and sold at prices lower than the official price set by a regulatory agency Grey marketing (also sometimes known as â€Å"gray market†) involves the trade of legal goods through unauthorized, unofficial, and unintended channels of distribution. Hence, trademarked products are often exported from one country to another and sold by unauthorized individuals or firms. This practice is also often known as parallel importing, product diverting, and even arbitrage, and typically flourishes when a product is in short supply, when manufacturers resort to skimming strategies in specific markets. A good example is the trading of crude oil by an individual. The grey market includes services that are typically unregistered to evade taxes. Perfectly legitimate occupations, such as domestic help, babysitters, part time beauticians and freelancers, may not be registered. Not only is it difficult to detect such defaulters, the punishment is usually mild. For example, even as Apple, Inc., rolled out its latest third-generation iPhone on July 11, 2008, several retail stores throughout the world, including those in China and Thailand, continued to take orders even though this product was not being sold in those markets. Their computer codes were unlocked, so that the phones could be used with different mobile service providers. Even in India, one of the fastest-growing markets for cell phones, Apple delayed the release of the original iPhone until mid-2008, a year after the release in the United States and six months after its release in Europe, because of the fear of grey market sales. A wide range of goods and services have been sold through grey markets, including automobiles, broadcasting delivery, college textbooks, pharmaceuticals, photographic equipment, video games, and even wines. Research has demonstrated that every one of the world’s eight major export regions has experienced grey marketing activity damaging to their operations. Parallel market is further encouraged by periods of war or any other crisis. During harsh political conditions or natural disasters, scarce goods are rationed by the government. People have the tendency to violate restrictions or rationing laws to secure the products they desire. In the United States, grey market goods are prohibited according to Section 526 of the Tariff Act of 1930, which expressly forbids importation of goods of foreign manufacture without permission of the trademark owner. However, the implementation of regulation by the U.S. Customs Service and the courts’ interpretation of the law have not been in line with each other. In a recent study, about 13 percent of the firms in North America have reported some form of grey marketing. A positive outcome of grey markets is that they provide brand-name goods at lower prices to the customer. They can create incremental sales in markets not in direct competition with sanctioned dealers, and sometimes help companies overcome distribution bottlenecks because of local government regulations. Occasionally, it is less expensive to tolerate grey marketing than to shut down the operations completely because of the time and resources required to monitor the violations. Finally, eradicating grey marketing activities can provide a firm with sound marketing intelligence regarding customers in these markets and their buying behavior. On the other hand, the phenomenon obviously also has several drawbacks for companies. It simultaneously undermines the manufacturer’s distribution arrangements and their ability to control quality it creates the dilution of exclusivity and damages existing channel relationships. Official dealers may not choose to offer significant services in order to compete with the grey market price for the product. There is likely to be an erosion of the brand’s global image, and the firm is unlikely to have the ability to use traditional pricing strategies, thus having less control over their overall marketing strategies. 2.According To World Health Organization: 2.1.Parallel Imports: Parallel imports are imports of a patented or trademarked product from a country where it is already marketed. For example, in Mozambique 100 units of Bayer’s ciprofloxacin (500mg) costs US$740, but in India Bayer sells the same drug for US$15 (owing to local generic competition). Mozambique can import the product from India without Bayer’s consent. According to the theory of exhaustion of intellectual property rights, the exclusive right of the patent holder to import the protected product is exhausted, and thus ends, when the product is first launched on the market. When a state or group of states applies this principle of exhaustion of intellectual property rights in a given territory, parallel importation is authorized to all residents in the state in question. In a state that does not recognize this principle, however, only the patent holder who has been registered has the right to import the protected product. Sometimes referred to as â€Å"grey market† imports, parallel imports often takes place when there is differential pricing of the same product – either brand-name or generic drugs – in different markets (usually owing to local manufacturing costs or market conditions). The Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement explicitly states that this practice cannot be challenged under the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement system and so is effectively a matter of national discretion. Parallel imports can reduce the price of health products and pharmaceuticals by introducing competition. However, they can also affect the negotiation of tiered pricing regimes with pharmaceutical companies. If a private pharmaceutical company agrees to sell a product at a lower price in poor countries, it will need some assurance that the cheaper product will not be imported back into its rich country markets, undercutting its profits (product di version). 3.Grey Marketing by Industry: 3.1. IPO Grey Marketing in India: Cities like Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Rajkot are the most active centers for the IPO (initial public offerings) grey market. Trades done in the grey market are settled on the day of listing. Once the deal is done at a stipulated price, the seller must deliver the shares after he has been allotted the shares by the company. If the seller falls short in receiving the exact number of shares that he has sold in anticipation, then he must buy the shares on the market (once the share is listed) to honor his commitment. Most of the recently-concluded initial public offerings are quoting at a significant premium in the grey market, compared to their issue prices; this means that the issues are perceived to have been underpriced. Many traders short sell in the grey market if they feel that the premium on offer is unwarranted and that the stock may list at a price lower than what most market players expect it to. Though grey-market operators say that there is a constant change in the grey-market premium, it largely depends on the subscription on the last day and the market conditions, post issue closing. 3.1.1. In the stock market, what is the concept of grey marketing? Grey marketing is a trade of something legal but through unofficial and unauthorized distribution channels. In contrast, black marketing is a trade of illegal goods or services through illegal channels. The grey market of goods is to import and sell products through market channels which are not authorized by the manufacturers. It occurs when the prices of a product differ significantly in different countries. The grey market of securities markets and IPO (Initial Public Offer) is to buy and sell the shares to be allotted in the future. Once the trading is done in the grey market at a stipulated price, the seller must deliver the sold number of shares to the buyer on the day of listing to honor the commitment. 3.1.2.Effect of Grey Market Trading on Indian Economy Market: Rs. 1L in Reliance Power IPO will earn 9% in 20 days [pic] AHMEDABAD: Reliance Power (REPL) seems to have electrified grey market operations in Ahmedabad with operators willing to shell out as much as Rs. 9,000 for every application of Rs. 1 lakh. In the bustling grey market in Gujarat, such high rates are unheard of. The last benchmark for hectic activity was the Mundra Port and SEZ IPO in November when the grey market started buying applications for Rs. 7,500 in the last stages of the issue. With the REPL offer ready to hit the market on January 15, the grey market is trading the shares and the applications. It basically means that if you have Rs. 1 lakh to invest when the IPO opens, you have a secured 9% return within 20 days of closing of the issue when the stock would be listed. After SEBI cleared REPL’s IPO, grey markets had resumed trading in the stock with premium saudas (trades) at Rs. 340-350 and application buying rate at Rs. 7,500. While the premium has zoomed to Rs. 390-400, the applications rate touched Rs. 9,000 and could break the Rs. 10,000 mark by the time the IPO hits the market, sources said. The excitement on the counter in the grey market has come on the heels of news that REPL will offer 5% discount to retail investors, who will also get an option to pay only 25% of IPO amount at the time of application. Power IPO: Grey market sees Rs. 2000 crore loss: [pic] AHMEDABAD: The dismal debut of Reliance Power on the bourses may result in losses to the tune of Rs. 2,000 crore in the grey market. Operators also fear a payment crisis as many investors are threatening to hold back payments. Grey market players — both operators and investors — who were expecting the stock to list in the range of Rs. 550-Rs 600 per share, were in shock as Reliance Power opened at Rs. 430 and closed at Rs. 372.50 on its first day on the exchanges. This could also adversely impact the premium transactions in forthcoming IPOs (initial public offers). Ever since the grey market began trading in this IPO, the premium on Reliance Power shares had peaked at Rs. 450 over and above IPO price of Rs. 450 per share. Majority of trading in R-Power IPO in the grey market was done at an average premium of Rs. 300 per share. As the issue closed at Rs. 372.50, most market operators, who had taken huge exposures, have lost Rs. 377 per share. It is estimated the grey market has already taken an exposure of five crore equity shares, leading to losses worth Rs. 1,900 crore. It is also learnt that many investors in Jaipur have refused to honor their payment commitment to grey market operators in Ahmedabad, as the IPO plunged after listing. This could well result in operators losing out on large sums of money and have a cascading effect in the market. market bets big time on DLF IPO: [pic] AHMEDABAD: Only time can tell whether you could get the elusive pit of gold at the end of the DLF IPO rainbow. But, street savvy investors in Gujarat have already started earning a secured 4% return on their investment in the initial public offer of the country’s biggest realty developers, much before the offer hits the market on June 11. Large numbers of investors, who want to earn secured interest earning up to 4%, are selling their IPO applications to grey market operators in Ahmedabad. Although the DLF IPO is opening from May 11, IPO applications are being sold anywhere between Rs. 3,800 and Rs 4,000 for a single application worth Rs. 1 lakh. Activities in the Ahmedabad’s grey market, popularly known as Sakar Bazar, has gradually been heightening as the market enters the final week before a deluge of public offering hit the primary markets. Led by DLF IPO, the next two months could see close to Rs. 50,000 crore being raised from the market. On one hand, the grey market is witnessing huge trading in IPOs, which are yet to be listed on the bourse. On another hand, people are selling their IPO applications to the grey market operators for a secured interest. Even as DLF shares are yet to be listed on the bourse, operators in Ahmedabad’s grey market are trading DLF shares at a premium of Rs 37 to Rs 38 on its issue price of Rs 500-Rs 550. Similarly, Meghmani Organic is fetching a premium of Rs 5 over its issue price. And, it’s not only in the case of these two IPOs. All IPOs are traded in the Ahmedabad grey market, which seems to have a handle on the pricing of IPO listings. It has been found by most market participant of the capital market that majority of the IPOs’ listing prices are normally close to the last trading price of the IPO in the Ahmedabad’s grey market. 4.WINE: The grey market in wine flourishes, particularly in the case of champagne. Many large champagne producers do their own importing, and desire to maintain independent price points in different markets. Thus a bottle of Champagne might cost US$35 in the United States while the same bottle might be only 15 Euros in France. It is often profitable to buy the wine in Europe from an authorized distributor, and resell it in the US. In the case of enormous pricing disparity, it is not uncommon to find a grey-marketed wine selling for less at retail than the wholesale price of the authorized distributor. In the case of a large availability disparity between the US and Europe, the grey market price may be the same or higher than the authorized price. Typically the importer of a wine is the one most concerned about grey market sources. The winemaker may or may not care what happens to the wine after it is sold, although he or she might complain to appease an importer. 4.1.India imports 72,000 cases of wine a year PUNE: The Indian wine market is growing at 30-40% annually and this rate will continue for the next 5-6 years in keeping with global trends. However, the current per person per year consumption of wine in the country is as low as 9-10 ml. The Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation has mentioned this in its note on the grape wine industry of Maharashtra, based on a report prepared by Rabo International Bank. The highest wine consuming countries such as France and Italy has per person wine consumption as high as 60 to 70 liters annually. Those in China consume four liters, the report stated. Domestically, 80 % of wine consumption is confined to major cities like Mumbai (39 %), Delhi (23 %), Bangalore (9 %) and Goa (9 %) whereas rest of India has only 20 % consumption. The MIDC report further stated that India currently imports 72,000 wine cases (nine liters to a case) a year. About 32,000 of this are bottled at origin and the other 40,000 cases are imported in bulk flexi bags, which are subsequently bottled by Indian wineries. Besides this, about 12,000-15,000 wine cases are sold through the grey market. In 2009-2010, some seven lakh liters of wine worth Rs. 5.92 crore was exported to France, Italy, Germany, US, UK, Singapore and Belgium from Maharashtra. The state had announced its `Maharashtra Grape Processing Industrial Policy 2001†² on September 19, 2001 with wine as an important part of it. According to a report by MIDC, four components are required to make good wine. Those are soil, climate, vines and human factor – that is the people who brew wine. A lot depends on finding the ideal balance between the characteristic of soil, the microclimate and the grape varieties. At present wine grapes are grown on a 7,000 acre area in the state. In 2010 there were a total of 74 wines making units (36 in Nashik, 13 in Sangli, 12 in Pune, 5 in Solapur, 4 in Osmanabad, 3 in Buldana and 1 in Latur district) that had started production in the state. At present, total production of wine in the country is 1.45 crore litres from 90 wineries in the country. Of that, 1.32 crore litres wine is produced by 75 wineries in Maharashtra. The total investment in wineries was Rs 431.71 crore in 2009 which rose to Rs 452.10 crore in 2012. France, Italy, Spain, Germany are the main grape wine producing countries in the world. Nearly 32,000 million litres wine is produced per annum. 5.AUTOMOBILES: Automobile manufacturers segment world markets by territory and price, thus creating a demand for grey import vehicles. In the United Kingdom the term applies to vehicles imported either new from cheaper European countries or from Japanese domestic models imported secondhand from Japan or Singapore, which both have strict laws against older cars. This importation of secondhand models from Japan/Singapore tends to involve sports models that were never released in the UK or models that fetch a high price in the UK due to their performance or status. Although some grey imports are a bargain, some buyers have discovered that their vehicles do not meet British regulations or that parts and service are hard to come by because these cars are different from the versions sold new in the UK. In New Zealand, grey market vehicles comprise a majority of cars in the national fleet. These secondhand imports have achieved ‘normal’ status and are used and serviced without comment throughout society. A huge industry servicing and supplying parts for these vehicles has developed. After years of trying to stop grey imports the car companies themselves have become involved, importing in competition with their own new models. 6.MOBILE HANDSET: iphone Launch gets hit by Grey Marketing: 6.1.Low-cost handsets to get impacted, says industry: Nearly 75 per cent of the currently available mobile handset models in the market could get defunct or redesigned with the Government deciding to bring in new radiation norms for the telecom sector. The Department of Telecom has accepted a proposal by an inter-ministerial committee to lower the permitted radiation in mobile phones by 50 per cent. The move will impact almost all the handset makers, especially those who operate in the low-end segment. 6.2.Handset price: According to the Indian Cellular Association, the new radiation norm will jack up handset price by 5-30 per cent as handset makers will have to make additional investments to meet the new rules. According to the new guidelines, handsets should not have Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of more than 1.6 watt/kg taken over a volume containing as mass of 1 gram of human issue. This is the same levels allowed in the US. India till now followed the European standards wherein handset makers are allowed to have SAR levels of 2 watt/kg on a 10 gram human issue. Globally, about 1,500 million mobile phones are sold per year out of which more than 80 per cent is sold in countries where European guidelines are followed. In India, there about 10 global brands, another 15-20 Indian brands and more than 4,000 importers who trade in unbranded Chinese phones. â€Å"Most of the handsets under Rs 11,999 which are approximately 645 or so would have to be redesigned. Effectively, this would disrupt the entire operation of more than 88 per cent of the legal handsets sold in the market (the legal market is approximately 70-75 per cent of India’s total volume market). All global brands and domestic brands will get seriously impacted by this,† Mr. Pankaj Mohindroo, President, Indian Cellular Association. 6.3.Chinese handsets: The industry is worried that the new guidelines will have no impact on the Chinese unbranded grey market phones, which is handled by over 4,000 importers with volumes between 3 and 4 million a month. The handset makers fear that the grey market will get a window of opportunity of approximately 6-9 months to rapidly expand their volumes before the branded companies start bringing redesigned phones. â€Å"If the Government is bringing new laws to address concerns of health and security then it should also set up good monitoring. While the branded phones will have to bear the costs to redesign phones, grey market devices will continue to be available without any check,† said Mr. S.N. Rai, Co-founder & Director, Lava International – one of the Indian handset Company. According to ICA, the industry would be able to redesign approximately 100 models in about 6-9 months and 200 in 24 months. There are about 850 handset models available in the market at present. â€Å"The legal industry will never be able to redesign all the models and the availability would constrict to at best 150- 200 models within 18-24 months of implementation of such norms,† Mr. Mohindroo said 6.4.Ultra low-cast models: ICA said that in the case of ultra low-cost handsets, it may not be possible to redesign these handsets and all the models in the ultra low-cost handsets less than Rs 1,500 could get knocked out of the market. Apart from lowering the permitted radiation levels, the new guidelines also make it mandatory for handset makers to display the SAR level on the handset. The DoT is expected to notify the new norms shortly. Keywords: mobile radiation norms, low-cost handsets to get impacted, Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) 6.5.Dark days for mobile grey market: The import duty on mobile phones has been reduced from about 16 per cent to around 4 per cent.Industry participants also believe that the shift from grey market to the legal market is by and large on the account of growing number of mobile retail stores. â€Å"The mobile stores provide accessibility to the consumers. Our mobile stores are at all the visible locations, so consumers can walk in anywhere and get the best deals possible,† said Subhiksha marketing vice-president Mohit Khattar. Industry analysts say that a huge grey market exists because of the differential of around 10 per cent to 25 per cent between legal and grey handset prices.With growing competition in the organized mobile retail market, players are offering products at lower prices. This, in turn, helps counter the grey market and bolsters footfalls in these stores. â€Å"Consumers can buy high-end, genuine branded handsets with guarantee of replacement or repair through the mobile retail stores. Trust is the predominant factor that consumers are turning towards the branded retail stores,† said HotSpot CEO Sanjeev Mahajan. Consumers are opting for accessibility and do not mind paying extra for it. The grey markets operate from a few areas in a city. On the other hand, mobile stores are more easily accessible as they are located in all prominent markets. The growing brand consciousness among the people, analysts say is also propelling the consumers to approach branded mobile retail stores. Mobile phone retail chains like Mobile Store, Mobi Retail, RPG Cellucom, currently account for just 7 percent of the overall mobile handset market, which has a market share of Rs 15,000 crore. â€Å"Currently, the impact of mobile retail stores on the grey market is minimal. However, considering the rapid growth rate of organized mobile retail, its contribution is set to increase in the next 3-4 years,† said retail consultancy Technopak Advisors chairman Arvind Singhal. Though the grey market in mobile phones has reduced, a large (75%) grey market still exists in mobile phone accessories such as batteries and chargers, which are often available at one-tenth the price of company branded accessories . Last year, the mobile phone makers asked finance ministry to reduce 34% duty on imported accessories, but nothing concrete has happened as yet. 7.PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPTMENT: Generally regarded as legal in most countries, parallel imports make expensive photographic equipment attractive to savvy users. The grey market in photographic equipment is thriving in highly developed and heavily taxed states like Singapore, with dealers importing directly from lower taxed states and selling at a lower price, creating competition against a local authorised distributor. Grey sets, as colloquially called, are often comparable to authorised imports. Lenses or flash units of parallel imports often only differ by the warranty provided, and since the grey sets were manufactured for another state, photographic equipment manufacturers often offer local warranty, instead of international warranty, which will render grey sets ineligible for warranty claims with the manufacturer. Due to the nature of local warranty, importers of grey sets usually mask the flaw in warranty with their own warranty schemes. These are often warranties with reduced benefits or lasting a shorter period of time. Grey sets do not differ particularly from an authorised import. They look and function identically, apart from the manufacturer’s warranties having been voided. 7.1.Grey market for digital cameras may bite the dust soon: KOLKATA: Grey markets for digital cameras may soon become a thing of past, feel the imaging majors in India. â€Å"It is certainly the year of demise for grey market in compact category, and the sun will set soon in DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) segment,† said Alok Bharadwaj, senior V-P, Canon India. Though being an unorganized sector, it is spread in many metro cities, like in Kolkata, at Metro Galli, Kidderpore, and in Delhi, at Pallika Bazar. â€Å"Earlier, Nikon’s competition was Nikon grey but now the scenario has changed and grey market has shrunk a lot. Its no more a cause for concern,† said Sajjan Kumar, GM, imaging, Nikon India. According to Bharadwaj, the grey market in the country is mostly activated in DSLR segment and it’s roughly around Rs. 250 crore, but since India is the main focus for all the global camera majors and as a consequence of that, the market is also increasing rapidly, which is ultimately causing the death of grey market. â€Å"The general trend amongst consumers is to buy expensive lenses and camera bodies from the grey market at a cheaper rate, but now with most of the players providing the product at a place nearby them, with an extended guarantee period and free memory cards, people are ready to buy it from us officially,† said Kumar. â€Å"More awareness among the consumers and round-the-clock marketing have also stepped up the chances to diminish the grey market,† said Hiroshi Takashina, MD, Nikon India. It may be noted that Nikon India has recently doubled its marketing expenditure to Rs. 120 crore from last year’s Rs 60 crore. Another common feeling amongst the leading camera players is, if government reduces tax on the DSLR bodies, lens, accessories, then the process of erasing grey market will be rapid. â€Å"Currently, the basic duty on lenses and accessories is still at 10%, which makes it a little difficult for us to bring DSLR prices further down, despite a phenomenal growth in the sector,† said a top official of Olympus India. Currently only 1% of Olympus India’s sales is affected by grey market. â€Å"The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) will benefit us surely to cut the excessive costing,† feels Bharadwaj. It may be noted that India and Japan have signed the CEPA Act, under which both the countries will enjoy some trade benefits during the bilateral trade. According to Takashina, India is a price conscious market where 75% of the sales are in the category of cameras priced below Rs.10,000, so with more shopping shop concept and 24 hour customer care backup, it is now more sensible for a customer to buy the gear from official dealers than to go and buy it from the grey market. 8.BROADCASTING: In television and radio broadcasting, grey markets primarily exist in relation to satellite radio and satellite television delivery. The most common form is companies reselling the equipment and services of a provider not licensed to operate in the market. 8.1Industry body opposes levy on TV sets: [pic] NEW DELHI: Consumer electronics industry said on Monday that sale of television sets would be hit and investment flows affected, if government imposes a license fee on TV sets. Also, share of the grey market would go up if such a proposal is accepted, Anoop Kumar president Consumer Electronics and TV Manufacturers Association (Cetma) said.[pic] Government is planning to impose a license fee of 10-15% on purchase price of each TV set, to provide financial help to Prasar Bharati. If the proposed levy is imposed, the level of taxation on TV sets would rise to 45-50% and the share of the grey market will certainly increase, a Cetma official said. When total incidence of taxes on ACs was about 50%, the grey market was more than 80%. With the reduction of taxes, the grey market for ACs has practically disappeared. The increase in the share of grey market for TV sets will ultimately result in loss of revenue to the government, Cetma added. Cetma said any â€Å"additional burden† would result in a major slowdown of the television industry, already reeling under heavy taxes. 9.VIDEO GAMES: Grey markets can sometimes develop for select video game consoles and titles whose demand temporarily outstrips supply and the local shops run out of stock, this happens especially during the holiday season. Other popular items, such as dolls can also be affected. In such situations the grey market price may be considerably higher than the manufacturer’s suggested retail price. Online auction sites such as eBay have contributed to the emergence of the video game grey market. 10.How to control the web of Grey Marketing? In order to reduce the impact of grey market goods, firms can take the following strategies: Enforcement of intellectual property rights Manufacturers or their licensees often seek to enforce trademark or other intellectual-property rights against the grey market. Such rights may be exercised against the import, sale and/or advertisement of grey imports. However, such rights can be limited. Examples of such limitations include the first-sale doctrine in the United States and the doctrine of the exhaustion of rights in the European Union. When grey-market products are advertised on Google, eBay or other legitimate web sites, it is possible to petition for removal of any advertisements that violate trademark or copyright laws. This can be done directly, without the involvement of legal professionals. eBay, for example, will remove listings of such products even in countries where their purchase and use is not against the law. Refusal to supply Manufacturers may refuse to supply distributors and retailers (and with commercial products, customers) that trade in grey-market goods. They may also more broadly limit supplies in markets where prices are low. Refusal to honor warranties Manufacturers may refuse to honor the warranty of an item purchased from grey-market sources, on the grounds that the higher price on the non-grey market reflects a higher level of service. Alternatively, they may provide the warranty service only from the manufacturer’s subsidiary in the intended country of import, not the diverted third country where the grey goods are ultimately sold by the distributor or retailer. This response to the grey market is especially evident in electronics goods. Reliance on regulation Local laws (or customer demand) concerning distribution and packaging (for example, the language on labels, units of measurement, and nutritional disclosure on foodstuffs) can be brought into play, as can national standards certifications for certain goods. Tracing grey-market goods Manufacturers may give the same item different model numbers in different countries, even though the functions of the item are identical, so that they can identify grey imports. Manufacturers can also use batch codes to enable similar tracing of grey imports. Parallel market importers often de-code the product in order to avoid the identification of the supplier. In the United States, courts have decided that decoding which blemishes the product is a material alteration, rendering the product infringed. Parallel market importers have worked around this limitation by developing new removal techniques.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mermaids Existence

How would you react to a statement like that? What is a mermaid? Mermaids are legendary aquatic creature with the upper body ofa female human and the tail ofa fish. Mermaids have dated back over hundreds of thousands of years ago. There have been alleged sightings all over the world. People have claimed to see half human and half fish creatures. Are mermaids a myth or a fact? Scientist think mermaids were creatures who developed from our ancestors, who evolved to the sea habitat.Scientist think mermaids have been around for millions of ears, because of old paintings; drawings of them in books, and fossils they have found connect to the mermaids' existence. Fishermen have found spears in fish while fishing in the center of the ocean. Scientist have also discovered drawings of sculls, shaped like a humans', and webbed hands with finger tips at the end. These discoveries have caused people to believe in the existence of mermaids. Scientists think mermaids evolved from the first humans o n earth, so that they may swim. Dr. Paul Robertson thinks mermaids evolved to the sea so they could get food.Dr. Robertson claims mermaids were creatures who hid to keep from being aten by the Megladon, an enormous prehistoric shark that fed on whales. According to â€Å"Mermaids: A Body Found,† mermaids traveled in groups to protect themselves. Based on their assumptions, mermaids later learned how to protect and defend themselves. They swam the ocean freely with dolphins. Mermaid experts say that the majority of mermaids may be in the warmer waters of the Caribbean and the Mediterranean, but that many have been spotted in the Pacific Ocean and Southern Atlantic.Scientist are still collecting more and more evidence every day to find out if mermaids are a myth or a fact. People have claim that they have evidence of mermaid's existence. In most recent events, there was a mermaid sighting in Kiryat Yam, Israel in May 2013. Shlomo Cohen and his friends was walking along the shor e when they saw a creature they thought was a seal or a lady sun bathing lying on a rock. They were discussing what it could be, while trying to find out where the zoom was on the camera they were recording with. They eventually zoom in and the creature turns around.The creature had human and fish like characteristics. The mysterious animal had hair and arms and a tail. When it notices that it has been spotted, it quickly rushes to the ocean and dives. Kiryat Yam is the only place in the world where a $1 million reward is up for grabs for the first person who can provide conclusive footage capturing a real mermaid. The local government has offered this reward in response to the numerous mermaid sightings there. The existence of mermaids are more believable now with the evidence Shlomo Cohen provided.There nave also been accusations that the government confirms mermaids exist. It is claimed that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirmed hat mermaids exist a nd they are increasing in numbers. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is a federal agency focused on the condition of the oceans and the atmosphere. According to Weekly World News, allegedly that recently the U. S. government has captured 7 mermaids and that they are being kept at an undisclosed aquarium, where they are being studied.President Obama has personally met the mermaids and was quite impressed according to reports. If mermaids did exist on earth, how would they be treated? According to â€Å"Mermaids: A Body Found† mermaids might have been ran into hiding by humans. Could humans have done this long ago? In most sightings, mermaids rush off when they have noticed that they have been spotted. It is very rare to spot a creature of this nature. Could humans coexist with this unique species? Humans would probably hunt down these fascinating, aquatic creatures and sell them to the highest bidder.They might even put them in a tank to show them off as muse um art. Hopefully the existence of mermaids This year, on March 6, 2013, marine geologist, Dr. Torsten Schmidt, released extraordinary footage of what he believes to be a mermaid that he captured on amera during one of his deep sea explorations. Contracted by the Iceland GeoSurvey, Dr. Schmidt and his Danish team worked on â€Å"seismic mapping and sampling of the ocean floor† to locate promising sites for oil and natural gas reserves. At nearly three thousand feet below the ocean's surface, Dr.Schmidt reported not only seeing some interesting phenomenon, but also hearing some remarkable things. After reporting to the Iceland GeoSurvey about the strange sounds he heard when he was scanning the ocean floor, he requested to undertake an investigation, which was declined. â€Å"We were reminded of our confidentiality agreements. And we were told we could not share our recording with anyone else,† Dr. Schmidt told Journalist Jon Frankel on Animal Planet's documentary, â₠¬Å"Mermaids: The New Evidence. † Dr.Schmidt ended up conducting his own investigation where he â€Å"took down two cameras on every dive, Just in case we see them. † Commenting on his footage, Dr. Schmidt said Jon Frankel, â€Å"well I looked at it, and knew I was looking into the face of another intelligent species, like us. † According to the video, â€Å"Mermaids: The New Evidence,† Dr. Torsten Schmidt and his Danish team saw something they thought was a mermaid. While submerge deep nder the sea the crew had been looking for a mermaid. A creature swam by touching the window of the small submarine, while also shaking the submarine.While slowing down the video, you saw that hand did in fact touch the submarines window. The hand had resemblance toa human hand, but had webbing in between the fingers. Also, the skull had a top layer differentiating from a humans. This video had been covered up for years, but was leaked to the media. Could this have been a me rmaid? Based on the evidence of the videos, and interviews IVe watched. The sightings of these mermaids look very factual. Scientist are collecting more and more evidence every day to the existence of mermaids.

Write a memo describing how to make right business decisions for Essay

Write a memo describing how to make right business decisions for senior managers - Essay Example Timing – this is one of the most important aspects in decision making. No matter how right a decision may seem to be if its timing was wrong, then the decision is also wrong to the extent of its wrong timing (Zaratà ©, 2008). An example is timing when investing in the stock market. The simple rule known by all is ‘buy low, sell high’. This not withstanding, many still miss the point and majority loses a great deal basically due to wrong timing. Prices for stock can be low but that does not necessarily mean it is the right time to buy that particular stock. The same case applies where prices are high where this also does not imply it is the right time to sell. This is more of a norm rather than the rule. This scenario also applies elsewhere. Tailoring – under this criterion the fundamental reality of situations and circumstances is that no single one is identical to the other. This therefore calls for senior managers to make decisions that serve the uniqueness of each situation. Lack of tailoring in making decisions is tantamount to absent mindedness thus bad decisions made. History – decisions and their outcomes give a hint on how successful a decision can be. Looking back to similar decisions made in similar circumstances is therefore important to predict the likely outcome. A senior manager should therefore make decisions basing this on history of similar approaches’ success or failure of others. Hoch (2004) says that in order to ensure that a good decision is made all the above have to work together since each situation needs its good timing, it is unique in its own sense therefore the need to have the decision tailored to fit its uniqueness and its history should be sort to predict success. When I was an employee at one of petroleum companies the branch manager then was faced with a looming shortage from the headquarters out of national oil crisis. He made

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Must Atheology Prove Gods Nonexistence (Willian L. Rowe Evil is Essay

Must Atheology Prove Gods Nonexistence (Willian L. Rowe Evil is Evidence against Theistic Belief) - Essay Example Rowe considers the view of the theists that there exists an all powerful, all-knowing, perfectly good being (God) as ‘restricted theism’ as it â€Å"does not include any claim that is not entailed by it† (183). To find out whether the occurrence of evils in the world lower the likelihood of God’s existence, Rowe brings out two premises based on which he concludes that God does not exist. The two premises are, Rowe points out that theists have to reject either one of these premises if they have to prove the existence of God, and that they mostly accept the second premise, thereby rejecting the first one. Therefore, the theists will have to accept the fact that for every horrendous evil that takes place, there has to be an outweighing good for which God has no way of materializing without permitting the evil. Rowe provides two analogies to counter the argument that there is a justifying reason for God to permit horrendous evils. One is of a fawn horribly burned in a forest fire caused by lightning. It dies only after five days and has to undergo intense suffering until then, lying on the forest floor. The second analogy is of a five year old girl brutally beaten, raped, and strangled in Flint, Michigan, on New year’s day a few years ago. In both the cases, it cannot be argued that the suffering inflicted on the fawn and the girl are justifiable for some reason, as they personally do not benefit anything from the suffering and die without getting any relief. Rowe goes on to analyze two theistic responses to these analogies that point to the non-existence of God. The first one addresses the first premise and argues that the fact that we fail to understand the good that is meant by God when seemingly meaningless suffering is inflicted on us. The analogy of a child that is put to suffering by its parents for an unavoidable surgical procedure

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Our Government Should Legalized Marijuana Thesis

Our Government Should Legalized Marijuana - Thesis Example Marijuana has many health benefits. Morgan (2010, p.8) states, â€Å"Physicians and medical research professionals reported that marijuana use might have some health benefits for people with certain medical problems, such as nausea and migraines.† In diseases like Attention-Deficit Disorder or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, marijuana plays a calming role. It helps the patients of AIDS reduce neuropathic muscle spasms, and develop their appetite and sleep. In anorexia, it helps improve the patient’s mood. Marijuana helps regulate sleeping patterns, reduces swelling and muscle spasms, and removes stress. So, when it is so helpful in these diseases, then there is no point in not making it legal. Legalizing marijuana will decrease criminal offence. Banning marijuana does not stop the addicts or even non-addicts to consume it. Prohibiting something always increases the fascination about that thing, and the consumers feel more compelled to try it, and for that they even steal, lie, and get more involved in binge drinking. Addicts would be more compelled to commit crimes like robbery and theft to finance their addiction of marijuana. This would result in an increase in crime. â€Å"Legalizing marijuana would cause the price of marijuana to fall considerably, more than just the 50% that has been incorporated into current revenue estimates†, asserts Pacula (2009, p.1). Hence, when the prices fall and marijuana is legalized, there will be less criminal offences saving taxpayers’ money. Legalizing marijuana would save the budget that is being spent on the war over trafficking marijuana into the country. Governments set aside heavy budgets to combat marijuana traffickers, and still success is not achieved, because there are black marketers out there who will bring in marijuana from the borders and sell it in the black market. When marijuana is not available legally, the black markets sell it on

Monday, August 26, 2019

Mobile investigation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mobile investigation - Essay Example In modern age this process is in used across the globe in almost every country without acceptable regard for legitimate defenses, legal oversight, or accountability. In this paper the main focus is on to find out the answer regarding the investigation carried out by the police against Donald Dodger. The investigation was carried out against his alleged involvement in the stalking activities of a student from Granglian Busking University (ACLU, n.d.). Who is available of the SIMM card or phone memory as Mobile Contacts? From the investigation carried out by the police department of his mobile location as well as the call details, there is a clear indication about the people with whom he is in touch on a regular basis. According to the data available from the analysis of his mobile records, the contacts he has are as follows: Angila Ruskin, Adriana Weeks, Jenny Jones, Stella-Foster Artois. The entire detail is available on the detail call list to which number he has made calls or sends sms. Who has been called from this phone in the past three months multiple times? From the analysis of call record it is very clear that the maximum call in last three months was made to one single number of Adriana Weeks. The number is 07826654040. The call details also suggest that total number of calls made to this number is 10 out of11 calls along with 17 sms. For investigating purpose call history is very important once the mobile phone is not available for detail investigation. By analyzing all his sms it is very clear that the guy is talking with Adriana Weeks as he wanted to meet her, date with her. All his 17 sms to Adriana was about where she was, why she is avoiding him, will she meet him or not etc. Can social media applications be accessed and if so by whom and who has been posted to? At present, it is very easy to access the social networking site from the high end mobile phones. But from the available data it is hard to find what are the social sites he accessed from his mobile is. The detail of the sites or whatever he has posted in that social site is not accessible from the available bill details. Can the phone give any indication where the user might have physically been? Mobile phone tracking generally means to get the information about the current location of the mobile phone as well as the user of the phone. This locating process can be done with the help of multilateration of radio signals between the towers of the mobile network and mobile phone or with the help of GPS. To locate the mobile phone it is not necessary to make any call from the mobile, the only thing required is the mobile to catch any signal of the nearest tower. GSM or Global System for Mobile or is based on the strength of the signal of nearby antenna. Mobile positioning includes location based service which is used by the mobile phone companies to locate the position of the mobile phone and the user of the same. (BBC UK, 2005). According to the report published in BBC News (2005), if someone change the mobile number still the location can be traced. The tracking is generally done by two ways when any number is dialed from one mobile. The SIM card of the mobile sends its own unique IMSI number (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) which starts with the code number of the country from where user is belongs, then the network code and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

War (1919) by Luigi Pirandello Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

War (1919) by Luigi Pirandello - Research Paper Example Pirandello uses his understanding of psychoanalysis to highlight the difference between each character’s superficial acceptance of the reality of war, and his or her own deep level inability to come to terms with the suffering that war brings. Seen through the lens of psychoanalysis, this story is not about a train journey to Rome, but rather it is about human life and the journey to true understanding of the unbearable horror of war. The story was written in 1919, immediately after the end of the First World War. Pirandello himself had a son who was sent to war, and who was taken prisoner. One can assume that there are some autobiographical elements in the depiction of parental reactions to the enforced separation from their sons at a time of great danger. The First World War had been a terrifying for the whole of mainland Europe, and the high numbers of casualties shocked the people to the core. Never before had such an efficient mechanised war taken so many lives. The focus of the opens with the description of an unnamed middle aged couple settling into a train carriage full of other people. The woman is silent, and her role as mother shocked by the imminent departure of her son to the front is sketched in by her apologetic husband. The role of the suffering mother is very deeply embedded in Western culture. From the heroines of classical Greek and Roman tragedies - to the suffering of the Mother of God at the crucifixion, there is a long tradition of women with their faces covered in grief. Pirandello’s mother figure does this, silently anticipating, the death of a son, or sorrowing this event when it has occurred. It is the epitome of love without return, for the beloved creature is taken away and the mother must grieve for ever because of that. It seems that with this introduction Pirandello wants to present the classical interpretation of how loss of a

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Geography of Region Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Geography of Region - Term Paper Example Many small islands surround the Phuket Island which increases the land area of the island to a further seventy kilometers. Phuket is alienated from mainland Thailand in the northern most part by Chong Pak Phra Chanel; there is a land bridge is situated which is a source of connection between the mainland Thailand and Phuket Island. Strategically, Phuket Island deems great importance as its airfield and sea harbor is halfway between Singapore and Rangoon (Stripp, 1989). Due to its location, it is best suited for any future re-takeover of Malaya by the British. The location of Phuket Island, somewhat between Asia, Africa and Austrailia, makes it an ideal place for tourism, sea-food delicacies and water sports as well. On the Southern coast of Andaman Island, it is the quieter half of the seas. Due to its location, it is crowded almost all around the year. The warm waters of Andaman Sea are part of the Indian Ocean, which is located south of Burma, hence the name Burma Sea, is in the we stern side of Thailand. It is on the southeastern side of the Bay of Bengal and serves as a significant site for coral reefs and tourism. ( Murthy, 2007) Place The island is mostly covered by mountains and is surrounded by various mountain ranges. Approximately seventy percent of the island has mountains. A mountain range runs from north to south in the west of the island. Phuket mountain range is formed at the south of the island; this rande is approximately four hundred and forty kilometers (two hundred and seventy miles) from Kra Isthmus. The highest point of the island is known as Twelve Canes (Mai Thao Sip) which is about one thousand, seven hundred and thirty six feet (five hundred and twenty nine meters) well above sea level. The whole area of Phuket is very hilly in nature. Only a few of the peaks are above the height of five hundred meters; the highest peak is about five hundred and twenty nine meters of Mai Tao Sipsong. Most of the peaks are covered by lush green trees. Th e lowlands comprise of pineapple, coconut, rubber plantations, and paddies of rice. They cover almost sixty percent of the area of the island. It also has a major portion of rainforest (almost twenty kilometer square) which is now preserved as the Khao Phra Thaeo Park. The lowlands most highest pont is Khao Prathiu which is about three hundred and eighty four metres (about one thousand, two hundred and sixty feet); then the second one is Khao Bang Pae which is about three hundred and eighty eight meters (Around one thousand, two hundred and seventy three feet) and the lowest of three is four hundred and twenty two meters which is called Khao Phara and is about one thousand, three hundred and eighty five feet. Sirinat National Part on the north west shore covers an area of about ninety kilometer square (about thirty five square miles) and covers a total of sixty eight kilometers (forty two miles) of marine region; it also comprises of the area of Nai Yang coast where the sea turtles come to lay eggs. Most of the enchanting beaches are sited on the western coast of the island. They are separated by headlands and rocky coves. The East coast, however, is made up of limestone shoals with only some sandy beaches. It is muddy in nature. It is the remaining thirty percent of the island that is plains. These beaches are decorated by extravagant limestone that further beautifies the place. Coral reefs or coral gardens adorn the beaches as huge varieties of marine life

Friday, August 23, 2019

Should censorship be sometimes justified Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Should censorship be sometimes justified - Essay Example The government must have powers to censor sensitive security information, such as the military strategy, deployment of forces, and placement of key weapons systems in times of conflicts and wars. Some people, mainly libertarians who see little or no role for government, argue that the United States has no room for censorship citing the First Amendment to the US Constitution that prohibits restrictions, among other things, on the freedom of speech and the press. However, protecting the United States and American people becomes more important than preserving the freedom of speech in times of conflicts and wars, because giving away sensitive security information could help domestic quislings and external enemies to harm the country and hurt the people. Recognizing this imperative, Congress has enacted several laws, including the Smith Act, Communist Control Act and Atomic Energy Act, which give the US government the powers to impose censorship. Even the criticism of the governmentâ€⠄¢s recent request to withhold the details of the experiment that produced deadly H5N1 influenza virus, which could be used by terrorist, has been made only on a narrow ground that someone had already shared that information at a conference in Malta (Markel). Censorship also becomes necessary to prevent hate speech that destroys social harmony and leads to violence in a country characterized by enormous racial and cultural diversity. Opponents of censorship argue that individuals can make their own judgment and apply self-censorship, and US courts have sometimes put the freedom of speech above the need to control hate speech, such as by upholding the right of the Ku Klux Klan to carry out anti-minority marches. However, personal judgment and self-censorship alone are not enough to prevent hate speech that could disrupt communal harmony and lead people to harm each other due to enmity, bigotry or other narrow interests. The rant against Muslims in public places and in the media in th e wake of terrorist attacks against the United States in 2001 led to violence against Muslims and turbaned Sikhs across the country, which could have been avoided by censorship. Although Congress has already outlawed slander, libel, incitement to riot and obscenity, government should have broad censorship powers to control hate speech and promote social harmony (Stork), a proposition with which I agree. Likewise, the government must have powers to impose censorship to protect the rights, dignity and innocence of children who cannot do it themselves. Those who advocate absolute freedom of speech hold the view that individuals and the media are capable of using their discretion to withhold indecent and obscene information that could harm children. However, there is no shortage of pedophiles, rapists, rogue journalists and other criminals eager to exploit children’s vulnerability and innocence, and the government has obligation to protect children from them, if necessary, by imp osing censorship. I shudder with the fear that my own brothers, sisters and relatives could become victims of such criminals, lured by indecency and obscenity in the media and public places. Recognizing the need for censorship to protect children, Congress has made several laws, including the Communications Decency Act of 1966, that classify films

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Geographic Information Systems Essay Example for Free

Geographic Information Systems Essay The future prospects of geographic technologies such as GIS (Geographic Information Systems), satellite images, remote sensing, and more are increasingly discussed in literature (Matthews and Herbert 2005). Today, GIS software can be used in a highly efficient way. In 18 years, people are likely to be amazed by what is being done with it. This paper projects the possible impacts of the technologies for the public service and democratic society of Auckland in the year 2025. The capabilities of GIS will be analysed. In doing so, an overview of GIS is followed by an analysis of the relationship between this technology and democratic values and implications of this relationship for Auckland society. Future Horizons Hardware and software costs for both personal computers and workstations have been declining steadily during recent years. This trend, combined with the rapid increases in technology development, will dramatically benefit the GIS market. Geographic data are of great size and require several unique hardware and software adaptations for data entry, processing, and output (Donaldson 120). These adaptations include hardware equipment and digitizers, scanners, and plotters. With a healthy development of GIS market, these adaptations will become more sophisticated, easier to use, and less expensive. The GIS market also will supply a variety of hardware and software innovations from which to choose. Bottom-Up GIS In the year 2025, GIS will be cheaper, faster, easier to use, and supplied with more and better data. As large amounts of local data will become easily available in GIS format, the outlook for GIS in local area planning will look very bright. Besides using GIS to inform and analyze in the traditional sense, planners will consider using it as a cognitive tool. In this new approach, people learn to use GIS data to exchange their views concerning planning processes, neighborhood issues, and future wishes. This new view of how GIS can be used in planning emerged from recent concern that traditional use of GIS in planning is top-down, controlled, and technicist (Brown 246). Donaldson (2002) have noted that GIS that is merely technological in orientation will fail to address important issues. Therefore, it is likely that GIS will be used in local communities in a way that is not technicist in a fundamental way. One could predict that GIS will have a more democratic approach to planning in which the processes of communication and interaction are considered. As a result, GIS will be used in a bottom-up way that will let the citizens of Auckland characterize their local environment. As a way to ensure a more bottom-up approach to GIS, planners will focus on the inclusion of local knowledge in GIS. There are some examples in regard to planning. Some researchers (Craig Elwood 1998) studied how local knowledge was incorporated in the creation of GIS databases. Such information as how residents value their homes or their feelings about the concerns of a given area was incorporated. Because these approaches have an objective to provide local residents with greater access to GIS, they are integrated with other community-based uses of GIS (Matthews and Herbert 2005). New approaches will enable residents to use GIS to communicate how they perceive their neighborhood or the locality in which they live, via their description, evaluation, or propositions for their local environment. New approach will be both the tool used to explore an issue and the means of its expression. It will be using GIS as a spatial language tool to have access to local knowledge and communicating residents observations, rather than presenting only objective facts. With this new approach, the citizens of Auckland will be able to redefine the questions asked within GIS. For instance, â€Å"Where are roads most overcrowded? † becomes â€Å"What streets do I consider as inconvenient due to traffic jam? † â€Å"What is the location of parks relative to the location of children? † becomes â€Å"What parks are most frequently visited in my neighborhood and how many children use them? † (Craig Elwood 104) The answers of the residents to the first type of question create an entirely different image than the answers to the second type. The result is that the content of the analysis may be significantly improved. Using this new approach, analysis of residents observations that result through traditional visioning processes in answers such as â€Å"We need to have a better system of transporting† become answers such as â€Å"Here are places where we need to travel and where we prefer to travel,† and â€Å"Here is where we at present can and cannot travel† (Donaldson, 189).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Business operational Essay Example for Free

Business operational Essay To provide learners with an understanding of the role and importance of operations management (OM) in the efficient and effective production of goods and services. Scenario: WH Smith is a major, well-known and publically-quoted book retailer and newsagent in the UK. Recently it was reported how Kate Swann, the former CEO for the last 10 years, has turned the company around from ? 135m losses to ? 106m profit in a decade. (source: www. theguardian. com/business/blog/2013/jan/23/wh-smith-kate-swann-profit, accessed 1 October 2013) (Also see copy attached) This is an example of how the principles of operations management can be used to reactivate a firm. How did she do it? Using the above as a starting point, together with other information sources, which you should research yourself, on WH Smith, you are asked to address the Tasks below regarding operations management. Task 1 (this meets LO 1, ACs 1. 1, 1. 2 and 1. 3) Based on the Scenario, produce a document explaining the nature and importance of Operation Management and its key elements. Your document for this Task must include the following elements (among others as you wish): I. A definition of OM and an explanation of its importance; II. The key elements of OM; III. The need to produce goods or services on time and to cost, with the right quality and within the law; IV. The role of OM in achieving strategic objectives; and V. Produce systems and sub-systems diagrams for any WH Smith operations processes, including a brief explanation of your diagrams. Task 2 (this meets LO 2 ACs 2. 1, 2. 2 and 2. 3) Based on the Scenario, produce a document explaining the relationship between OM and strategic planning. Your document for this Task must include the following elements (among others as you wish): I. II. III. Explain the implementation of the â€Å"3Es† in WH Smith; Critically review the tension between cost minimisation and quality maximisation in the context of WH Smith; and Assess the importance of the five performance objectives that underpin operations management. Task 3 (this meets LOs 3 and 4 in full) Base on the Scenario, produce a document explaining how to organise and apply relevant techniques in a typical production process. Your document for this Task must include the following elements (among others as you wish): I. II. III. IV. Comment briefly on the importance of operational planning and control. Explain what linear programming is, and give an example in relation to any part of the operations of WH Smith; Produce a network plan and indicate the resultant critical path for any operation in WH Smith. (for this task, you should include a set of operational outcomes, which are clearly defined). Explain how quality can be defined and maintained. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria In order to Pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the Learning Outcomes for the unit. The Assessment Criteria determine the standard required to Pass this unit. The Assessment Criteria will act as a guide to help you put into context your answers to fulfill the Learning Outcomes. Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria 1. 1 explain the importance of operational management 1. 2 explain the need to produce safely; on time; to cost; to LO 1Understand the quality and within the law nature and importance 1. 3 explain the link between operations management and of operational strategic planning management 1. 4 produce a systems diagram to illustrate a typical business 2. 1 explain the ‘Three Es’ (economy, efficiency and effectiveness) LO2 Understand the link between operations 2. 2 explain the tension between cost minimisation and management and quality maximisation strategic planning 2. 3 evaluate the significance of the five performance objectives that underpin operations management 3. 1 explain linear programming LO3 Understand how 3. 2 evaluate critical path analysis and network planning to organise a typical 3. 3 explain the need for operational planning and control production process LO4 Be able to apply relevant techniques to the production of an operational plan for a typical business 4. 1 produce a set of clearly defined operational outcomes 4. 2 produce a network plan and indicate the resultant critical path 4. 3 explain how quality could be defined and maintained. INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION FOR LEARNERS This assessment and the Tasks above are designed to assess your achievement of all four of the Learning Outcomes and associated Assessment Criteria for a Pass in the ‘Employability Skills’ unit of the qualification you are undertaking. Your tutor/ deliverer will advise you when you should start work on the assignment, the date when you must hand in your completed work and when you can expect to get your mark and feedback on your work. Guidance on this subject is provided on page 1 of this assignment brief. You should make sure that you plan your work carefully, to ensure that you cover all four learning outcomes of the assignment, and complete it within the time limit specified. There is no official guideline wordcount or percentage marking (other than Pass/ Merit/ Distinction/ Refer). By way of guidance only for this particular assignment, it is recommended that you write a minimum of 2000-2500 words total and match the weighting of your efforts to the wordcount indicated. Your statements in answer to the Learning Outcomes need to be prefixed with the specific Learning Outcome title or at least the Learning Outcome number. This will help you keep on track and should ensure you address the details. You must make sure that you acknowledge any sources you have used to complete this assignment, listing reference material and web sites used. The assignment result will be published on BITE’s Moodle online education materials platform, normally within 6 weeks of the submission date. If your assignment is assessed as referred, you will be notified with an indication of the areas to be addressed. You may resubmit an assignment, or submit a new assignment, on a further two occasions during your period of registration as an Institute learner with Edexcel. If there is anything in these instructions or in the assignment itself which you do not understand, please seek guidance from your tutor/ deliverer. Merit grade Descriptors For learners to achieve a Merit they must: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions Indicative characteristics Learners must demonstrate that: An effective approach to assignment planning, study and research is in evidence Evaluations and judgements, using evidence, have been made Problems with a number of variables have been considered Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques A range of relevant theories have been included Relevant theories and techniques have been applied to the case study A range of different sources of information have been used The selection of methods/techniques of analysis and use of source material have been justified Information/ data has been synthesised and processed Present and communicate appropriate findings The written assessment is coherent, shows logical development and a sound understanding of theories, concepts and research evidence The written assessment demonstrates that an appropriate structure and approach has been used The written assignment demonstrates a writing style appropriate for audiences both familiar and unfamiliar with the subject. The written work is clearly written and technical language has been accurately used Distinction grade Distinction descriptors For learners to achieve a Distinction they must: Indicative characteristics Learners must demonstrate that: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions. Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and evaluation of research evidence and have been justified The validity of results has been evaluated using defined criteria Realistic and informed recommendations have been proposed against defined characteristics for success Take responsibility for managing and organising activities. The written assignment shows excellent planning, is organised coherently and is clearly expressed Independence of thought and gathering of research material has been demonstrated Material used has been clearly understood and well organised The importance of individual and group behaviour in organisations and its management has been recognised and addressed Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking. There is evidence of self-generated ideas with evaluation Convergent and lateral thinking are evident in the written assignment Creative thinking is evidenced with unfamiliar material. Problem-solving is in evidence Innovation and creative thought are in evidence Receptiveness to new ideas is evident Ideas have been generated, evaluated and informed decisions/ recommendations are made. Case Study: WHSmith †¢ WH Smith: Kate Swann turns ? 135m losses into ? 106m profit in a decade One of the UKs most highly regarded – and highly paid – retailers achieved success by going against the grain WH Smith chief executive Kate Swann favours the old retail adage: sales are vanity, profits are sanity. Photograph: PA When Kate Swann arrived at WH Smith in 2003, there was a widely held view that the chains days were numbered. A decade on, she has turned losses of ? 135m into a profit of probably ? 106m this year, and shares that were languishing at 250p are now changing hands at 650p. Swann is now one of the UKs most highly regarded – and highly paid – retailers. Yet she has achieved this remarkable feat by breaking many of the rules of running a successful high street retail business. When Swann announced she was pulling out of selling music and DVDs because the profit margins were thin and getting thinner, rivals thought she had taken leave of her senses – she was instantly kissing goodbye to about 30% of Smiths turnover. On a same-store basis on the high street, WHS now sells roughly ? 65 of goods for every ? 100 of custom seven years ago. The demise of Zavvi and HMV in the face of online competition shows it was a brave – and correct – decision. Swann favours the old retail adage: sales are vanity, profits are sanity. By focusing on profitable sales and cutting costs relentlessly, she has boosted profit margins – according to analyst Nick Bubb by an almost incredible 15 percentage points. While other retailers have been pouring resources into the digital world, Smiths big online strategy is its Funky Pigeon card site. Instead, Swann plans to open more shops, even though they are, to be frank, deeply unpleasant places to shop, stuffed with stock and screaming promotional banners. While the supermarkets have to tread carefully in the products they offer and have been targeted for displaying sweets at the checkout, Smiths has sold stationery aimed at teenagers and young women adorned with the Playboy bunny motif and Swanns checkout assistants attempt to force-feed the nation giant bars of Galaxy and chocolate oranges. Her secret? Maybe its the low profile. While many rivals enjoy the limelight, holding forth on the woes of the economy, the lack of women in the boardroom and political issues such as the in-out debate, Swann says nothing. She doesnt give interviews. On Wednesday, at Smiths AGM, a shareholder stood to offer thanks for her transformation. Asked to respond, she merely said: Thank you, lets move on. No doubt she will. There will be a queue for her services.

Mcminns Psychology Theology And Spirituality In Christian Counseling Religion Essay

Mcminns Psychology Theology And Spirituality In Christian Counseling Religion Essay Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling written by Mark R. McMinn teaches Christian counselors the importance of Spirituality in the counseling office. Throughout the book McMinn provides deep insight on the integration of the three concepts; the author provides concrete cases that allow the reader to grasp the information by applying the scenarios to the text. To better equip Christian Counselors he uses cognitive therapy from a Christian perspective as foundation for his work. He stresses the importance of building an effective therapeutic relationship between the counselor and the client in order for therapy to be successful. McMinn uses a variety of religious interventions to establish psychological and spiritual health. Throughout the chapters he elaborates on the use of prayer, scripture, sin, confession, forgiveness, and redemption in the counseling practice. McMinn discusses the positive effects as well as negative side effects of the use of prayer. He states that the counselors level of spiritual maturity will provide an upper limit for the potential impact of prayer in counseling (McMinn, 1996, p.87). McMinn highlights the power of Scripture and outlines the specific effects it may have on the client. McMinn summarizes the chapter by noting Our knowledge of God, self and Scripture are all interrelated, but our capacity to understand any one of these elements will add to our ability to understand the others (McMinn, 1996, p.124). McMinns study of the nature of sin and its role in the counseling practice is also very thorough. As he notes, generally psychologists have been uninterested in sin, preferring to ignore it or to discuss the effects of the concept of sin (McMinn, 1996, p. 161). Such an attitude has negative consequences, as in most cases sin can be a reason of depression, feeling of guilt and other negative feelings. He proposes the Christian counselor to understand sin from a theological and spiritual perspective. As he states, such a change can add necessary depth to the work of a counselor and encourage his clients to grow spiritually. Describing the historical references of confession as a sacrament of penance, McMinn underlines the necessity to understand its role and importance in the work of a Christian Therapist. Confession requires humility, which requires us to look at ourselves honestly and recognize both our strengths and weaknesses. Confession closely deals with forgiveness, which is a very popular topic among counselors. The author attracts readers attention to the fact that Christian understanding of forgiveness may differ from the ways that non-Christian counselors understand forgiveness. Christian forgiveness is not a simple emotional relief; however, McMinn stated that our capacity to forgive one another depends on our capacity to understand both our need for forgiveness and Gods gracious gift of forgiveness (McMinn, 1996, p.235). McMinns final chapter on redemption sums up the pr evious topics prayer, scripture, sin, confession, and forgiveness. Redemption is a process of being freed from sin and being restored back unto God. As McMinn finalizes the book with this chapter he sums up redemption by saying the wonder of redemption is that we are brought back into a relationship with God (McMinn, 1996, p.265). Finally once we experience redemption, our old ways of thinking are brought as one with God. After reading this story I am reminded of a demonstration given by my former pastor. Leading up to this demonstration my uncle Jesse had been beaten unrecognizably by gang members in Charlotte, NC. My uncle, raised in the church, had a calling on his life from a very young age and refused to accept his calling. He had been running for years and through those years he was often referred to Jonah, but one night changed all of that for my uncle. I can still remember visiting him in the ICU at Carolina Hospital in Charlotte and afraid to look at the hideous swellings upon his face. His eyes were swollen to the size of golf balls and stitches had been applied to various parts of his face it was a horrible sight to see. After his release he was given shelter by my pastor and started attending the church. The demonstration given by my pastor showed the church what sin can do to a person. I remember hearing my pastor pray and my uncle confessing all his sins while standing at the altar. The pastor preached a heavy sermon that taught me how important the confessions of sins were in seeking forgiveness from God. I have learned that God is a God of second chances and he will grant us forgiveness if and when we are ready to confess with our mouths. The moral of the story my pastor pointed out was that God was a redeemer and therefore gave second chances to his sons and daughters. Reflection McMinn did an excellent job covering the aspects of integrating psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling. While the book offers insightful ways to look at different situations that may happen in the Christian counseling office there is one thing that bothered me most. If most types of prayer has not been researched how is the counselor supposed to define clear and ethical guidelines for the use of prayer in counseling? I believe that prayer forms an intimate relationship between God and the individual; therefore prayer should not be used in the therapy sessions especially if further research is needed. Prayer I do believe is an effective tool that can be used in therapy but should be used outside the counseling sessions gradually as the client feels comfort and the need for seeking Gods presence on his or her own. This is a good book and should be read by all Christian counselors. It is essential in helping to expand their knowledge on the basis of integrating p sychology, theology, and spirituality. The case studies are helpful in learning both positive and negative ways to approach similar situations met in the counseling sessions. McMinn did a great job elaborating on the different themes prayer, scripture, sin, confession, forgiveness, and redemption. The uses of the themes were successful in teaching the confused counselor how to integrate their spirituality into the therapy session. Overall the book is a positive guide for new and old counselors to use as basis of understanding how each of the themes can have a powerful impact on a clients progress. Actions This was an outstanding book and it taught me valuable instructions on multitasking as a counselor. McMinn stated that the most effective Christian counselors are able to process several ideas simultaneously (McMinn, 1996, p. 269). It is important for a counselor to be able to successfully integrate psychology, theology and spirituality in the counseling sessions to effectively treat the problems of their clients. I personally will take what I learned and continue to read and enhance my understanding of the different concepts so that I may learn to use them wisely. Reading this book enlightened me with so much information that I can easily share with a friend to enhance their knowledge of Christian counselors. I would first make it known to them that as a Christian counselor we are set apart from other psychologists in that we put God at the forefront of our lives and therapy sessions. Being a Christian psychologist comes with many challenges and we have to constantly refine our rela tionship with God and acknowledge him as the All knowing God because thats who we ultimately seek direction from. Learning how to integrate the use of prayer and scripture with Christian clients we have to recognize the negative side effects that can come of prayer or scriptural interventions. I will continue to keep God first in my life allowing him to speak to me, lead me, and guide me as an instrument to help others. I can only better myself after reading this book and take what I learned to become the multitasking counselor.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Equality :: essays research papers

Equality I have a vision, that all people be treated equally. Race, religion, sex, age, and other petty differences should not mater. Every one has a rite to me here, on Earth. Everyone has a rite to be heard. I hope that some day, when a person looks at another they won't judge them until they actually meet them. Race, religion, sex, and age doesn't make someone any less of a person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Age should not mater. Both young and old have a rite to be heard. As long as a person is educated about something, they have a rite to form an opinion about it. Children are no less of people because they are young.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sex should not mater. Both men and women are people, therefore, they should be treated with respect. Many men and women are harassed every day by the opposite sex. People should realize that without the opposite sex, it would mean the end of the human race. So both men and women are just as important as the other. Religion should not matter. A person is raised to believe something. No religion is wrong. Any person could argue that another religion is wrong. So if you tell someone that they are believing the wrong thing, they could same to you. No religion is wrong. Reverse discrimination is also wrong. It isn't a person's fault that people of their race and sex usually get a brake. Reverse discrimination is still discrimination, and all discrimination is wrong. All discrimination is the same. No one should discriminate against another ever. Especially if I it is to bring them self up.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I hope that all people will learn to go about things in a peaceful way. So many people have died in the past because someone was trying to make a statement. None of these people should have died. In society today we kill and

Monday, August 19, 2019

Although the authors us fictitious characters and events, novels are :: English Literature

Although the authors us fictitious characters and events, novels are often surprisingly accurate portraits of their time Although the authors us fictitious characters and events, novels are often surprisingly accurate portraits of their time. To what extent do you think The Great Gatsby is a novel of this type? The Great Gatsby, written in the early 1920’s, by F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays the type of high class life the rich were living during this time. Extravagance was the key to everything, parties, drinking, cars, relationships, and life. Everybody seemed to have money. This time was known as â€Å"The Roaring 20’s†, or â€Å"The Golden 20’s.† We see this type of culture in its extremity in The Great Gatsby. We can also assume that it was this type of life that Fitzgerald himself led. He was born into a fairly well-to-do family. In 1896 he attended, but never graduated from, Princeton University. It was here he mingled with the moneyed classes from the Eastern Seaboard who created an obsession for the rest of his life. In 1917 he was drafted into the army, but he never saw active service abroad. He married the beautiful Zelda Sayre and together they embarked on a rich life of endless parties. Dividing their time between America and fashionable resorts in Europe, the Fitzgerald’s’ became as famous for their lifestyle as for the novels he wrote. â€Å"Sometimes I don't know whether Zelda and I are real or whether we are characters in one of my novels†, which he wrote to pay for his extravagant lifestyle. We can see just how similar Gatsby and Fitzgerald are. Gatsby, unlike Fitzgerald was born into a fairly poor family, but soon met Dan Cody and Daisy, who, both very rich led him to the obsession to also become rich. I believe it was mainly the influence of daisy for this. He was desperately in love with her, but stood no chance all the while he had no money. †She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of waiting for me.† Also like Fitzgerald, Gatsby went to University and never finished. â€Å"It was in nineteen – nineteen, I only stayed five months. That’s why I can’t really call myself an Oxford man.† Gatsby was also in the army during the war, â€Å"Why yes, I was in the twenty – eighth infantry.† The only major difference we can see between the two men is that Gatsby never married the â€Å"beautiful† Daisy. He never made it to marriage, this could possibly be because he never had money, unlike Fitzgerald, who made his money, and then met Zelda.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Huck Finn :: essays research papers

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is a story of a young man who finds himself in many unpredictable situations. In the novel, Huck is constantly changing his setting. Either he is on the land, at the shore of the mighty Mississippi river, or upon a small raft floating downstream. Since Huck lives on both the shore and the river, the reader is able to compare the differences between them. To Huck the river has sense of freedom. Compared to life on the shore, Huck believes the river should be his home. For his companion, the runaway slave, Jim, life is always dangerous because of the price on his head. Also there are always hidden hazards that can pop up at any time. Huck Finn, the son of the town drunkard, has had a hard time living with the Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson. Huck grew up living wild out in the open, just going as he pleased. Now he living in a house, with two ladies that are very strict with manners. Although, he doesn’t runaway back to the woods, he still wishes he could go back to the easy living in the uncivilized outdoors. When Huck’s father learns of his wealth, he kidnaps Huck, and takes him back to a cabin on the other side of the river. After repeated beatings Huck escapes and makes the scene look as if he had been murdered. He then hides on Jackson Island, and returns to his life of freedom. Also on the Island is Jim, Miss Watson’s runaway slave. After finding out that the men of the town are searching for Jim, the two load up on a raft and sail down the river. Huck’s life has changed very drastically through these course of events. When he was living in town he learned manners, and how to be civilized. Now he is floating peacefully down the Mississippi River without a care in the world. For Jim, life on the river is always threatening. They must travel at night, and hide during the days. Jim’s plan is to go to the Ohio river, and travel north into the free states. One night, in a storm they float past Cairo and cannot sail back upstream, to the Ohio. Jim’s secret is put in jeopardy, when two frauds, are picked up by Huck. They ask Huck about the pre sence of Jim, on the raft, but Huck is very clever with his answer. Huck Finn :: essays research papers The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is a story of a young man who finds himself in many unpredictable situations. In the novel, Huck is constantly changing his setting. Either he is on the land, at the shore of the mighty Mississippi river, or upon a small raft floating downstream. Since Huck lives on both the shore and the river, the reader is able to compare the differences between them. To Huck the river has sense of freedom. Compared to life on the shore, Huck believes the river should be his home. For his companion, the runaway slave, Jim, life is always dangerous because of the price on his head. Also there are always hidden hazards that can pop up at any time. Huck Finn, the son of the town drunkard, has had a hard time living with the Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson. Huck grew up living wild out in the open, just going as he pleased. Now he living in a house, with two ladies that are very strict with manners. Although, he doesn’t runaway back to the woods, he still wishes he could go back to the easy living in the uncivilized outdoors. When Huck’s father learns of his wealth, he kidnaps Huck, and takes him back to a cabin on the other side of the river. After repeated beatings Huck escapes and makes the scene look as if he had been murdered. He then hides on Jackson Island, and returns to his life of freedom. Also on the Island is Jim, Miss Watson’s runaway slave. After finding out that the men of the town are searching for Jim, the two load up on a raft and sail down the river. Huck’s life has changed very drastically through these course of events. When he was living in town he learned manners, and how to be civilized. Now he is floating peacefully down the Mississippi River without a care in the world. For Jim, life on the river is always threatening. They must travel at night, and hide during the days. Jim’s plan is to go to the Ohio river, and travel north into the free states. One night, in a storm they float past Cairo and cannot sail back upstream, to the Ohio. Jim’s secret is put in jeopardy, when two frauds, are picked up by Huck. They ask Huck about the pre sence of Jim, on the raft, but Huck is very clever with his answer.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Reagan Revolution

Ronald Wilson Reagan, the fortieth president of the United States of America. He was well known for his economic policies during is first term, which later on became well known as â€Å"Reaganomics†. This policy included large tax cuts which was started and implemented in 1981. â€Å"Reaganomics† was told to rejuvenate the morale of the American people and then let them not be dependent on the government. Supply-side economics is the basis for this economic policy which aimed to stimulate growth of the economy.By implementing this policy, Reagan had the country’s gross domestic product or GDP recover from the 1982 recession and began to progress at 3. 4% per annum and also decreasing inflation.. Unemployment reached to an all time high during the first years of Reagan’s term but gradually decreased till the end of his presidency, thus strengthening the American economy. Then the stock market crashed in 1987 creating a huge governmental budget deficit which had raised the national debt substantially.The cause of this is unknown, yet detractors point out that Reaganomics was the mainly the cause of this crash yet remain inconclusive. In his second term in the presidential seat, he focused on strengthening the nation’s defense capabilities due to the significant build-up of arms in the Soviet Union. His second term was also marked by his foreign policies that deemed him as a war monger. His term also included the cessation of the Cold War and â€Å"Star Wars†. As nation’s economy grew steadily stronger, Reagan now focused on international relation, he was known as â€Å"The Great Communicator† in these affairs.Starting talks with Mikhail Gorbachev, Reagan initiated to have the Berlin wall be torn down as a start of a peace process and a new era to begin. Reagan has noticed that the arms of the Soviet Union was technologically advanced and had initiated defense projects that would enable the nation’s de fense systems to be at par or much superior than others. The space program boomed in that decade with the â€Å"Space Race† competing with the Soviet Union starting a â€Å"Star Wars† program that would rival any nation’s capabilities.